Help with Subject Choices

If you’re choosing subjects or know someone who is, My World of Work is there to help.

The subjects young people choose at school can have an impact on what they can study at college or university and what jobs they can go for in the future.

Scotland’s career information and advice web service is packed with tools, information and resources to help pupils make informed choices about their future.

My World of Work will help with answering key questions and putting together a shortlist of subjects young people can discuss with their parents, carers, teachers and careers adviser.

They can start by working out:

What are my strengths?

What are my skills?

What are my interests?

Once these all important questions are answered, My World of Work’s subject choice tool will let users enter up to six subjects to find out jobs where those subjects might be useful, as well as relevant industries and Modern Apprenticeships.

Results can be filtered using new ‘pathways’ browsing which groups careers into six broad areas based on common activity: produce; create; discover; care; support and protect.

Young people can also get top tips on keeping their options open and what to avoid when making subject choices.

There’s also information for parents and carers on supporting their child at subject choice time, while teachers can make the most of support resources in My World of Work’s partner area.

My World of Work is Skills Development Scotland’s (SDS) award-winning career information and advice web service.

It supports the work of SDS careers advisers in schools and its centres across Scotland.

Visit for more information.