Review of the Parental Involvement Act


*Embargoed: 11am, 23/5/17*

*Review of Parental Involvement Act published** *

The National Parent Forum of Scotland is pleased to announce that the
/Review of the Impact of the Scottish Schools (Parental Involvement) Act
2006/ has now been published.

The formal launch is taking place today (Tuesday 23 May) in Drummond
Community High School, Edinburgh.

The event brings together parents and stakeholders, including Deputy First
Minister John Swinney, to celebrate the successes of the Act, share the key
findings and discuss how the parental engagement agenda can move forward.

The National Parent Forum of Scotland chair, Joanna Murphy, said:

“This Review has been an opportunity to research whether the 2006
legislation fits with today’s landscape. Although a great deal has been
achieved, there is more to be done.

“I hope that this Review will allow all of us to continue to keep parents
at the heart of their child’s learning. I will continue to strive for a
political and legislative environment which champions the voice of

Recommendations have been made to Scottish Government, national agencies,
local authorities and schools.

Key messages include:

A desire to improve and update key aspects of the Act and accompanying

A need to extend the legislation to cover the early years

A requirement for further partnership working between parents and

A need to protect and promote the role of the parent council whilst
addressing equality; and

A desire to further implement the Learning At Home strand of the Act.

*The full report will be available to download and read at this link from

*Journalists are invited to attend the report launch at Drummond Community
High from 11.15am.*

Deputy First Minister John Swinney said:

“Education is key to helping Scotland’s young people fulfil their
potential and we know that engaged parents make a big difference to
achieving this. That is why I want to strengthen opportunities for parents
to get involved in the life and work of their local school, and why we
commissioned the National Parent Forum to undertake this important review.

“I very much welcome this report, and will consider its recommendations
in the context of our review of school governance, the next steps for which
will be published in June as we move to put children, parents, teachers and
schools at the centre our education system.”

Neil Mathers, Save the Children’s head of Scotland, said:

“This review is important because it has allowed us to celebrate the
really positive efforts schools and nurseries have taken over the last ten
years to help parents to support their children’s learning; it has also
shone a light on some of the continued difficulties schools and teachers
face in knowing what works best.

“We want to see a focus on how our education system is supporting parents
to help their child’s learning at home, from the early years and throughout
school; to overcome the obstacles they face and understand the powerful
difference they can make.”

*Media contact*

For media enquiries on 23 May about the report and event launch, contact
Children in Scotland Communications Officer Jen Drummond:

Tel 0131 313 8823 / email


The National Parent Forum of Scotland is a national body led by and for
parents. Since its inception in 2009, it has undergone rapid development
and is now an influential national and independent body, working on behalf
of parents across Scotland to help every pre-school and school pupil
maximise their potential.

The National Parent Forum of Scotland is comprised of one volunteer
parent/carer representative from each of Scotland’s 32 local authority
areas. Please visit for more details.