Sexting, cyberbullying, catfishing, FOMO and digital footprints – these are just some of the topics and issues that the Young Scot 5Rights Youth Commission explored in their 15-month investigation. The 5Rights project looks beyond online safety and protection for young people online, and calls for the realisation of their rights in the digital world just as they are already realised in the offline world. With evidence gathered directly from the likes of Twitter, Facebook, Google, Education Scotland and See Me, as well as from over 2000 young people, the 5Rights Youth Commission published their findings and recommendations to the Scottish Government in their May 2017 report, ‘Our Digital Rights’, on how Scotland can become a nation that realises their rights online.
They are now looking for 15 young people, aged 11-15, from across Scotland to join them in the new Young Scot 5Rights Youth Leadership Group. The new group will spend 12 months investigating how some of their recommendations can be implemented, and create a real impact on how young people’s rights can be supported in the digital world. Find out more by clicking below: