Parents Head Back to the Classroom!

Education Scotland’s “Empowerment for Parent and Pupil Participation.”

From March to May 2019, HM Inspectors of Education visited 45 schools in 32 local authorities to see how schools were engaging parents and pupils in the life and work of the school. It provides robust evidence of parents and pupils working collaboratively with education staff across Scotland.

Chief Inspector of Education, Gayle Gorman said: “It’s important that [schools] continue to engage pupils and parents in all aspects of school improvement, including school policy, evaluating and developing the curriculum, and decision-making related to the school.”

Education Scotland say schools need further parent involvement and we agree! All parents should be fully supported to be involved and engaged in their child’s education. When parents are engaged in their child’s learning, children do better. NPFS will continue to work with all stakeholders to improve engagement for all parents across Scotland.

Click here for more information.
Click here for more about the Empowerment for Parent and Pupil Participation.