The NPFS launches new Empowering Parents and Carers Nutshell

Thursday, 5th December 2019
The NPFS launches new Empowering Parents and Carers Nutshell


The National Parent Forum of Scotland (NPFS) is pleased to launch its new Empowering Parents and Carers nutshell, which highlights parents and carers as equal partners in the ‘empowered system’ of learning and education in Scotland.

Scottish Government and COSLA (Convention of Scottish Local Authorities) have committed to building “an empowered, connected, self-improving education system” which encourages collaboration and mutual respect between all partners. It is about all key stakeholders working together to improve outcomes for children and young people. This includes the learners themselves as well as parents and carers, school staff, local government, Scottish Government and other organisations involved in the lives of children.


Today our Chair, Joanna Murphy, said:

“This is an exciting time for parents. Instead of being on the outskirts of our children’s education, the “Empowered System” recognises parents as equal partners.

All learning experiences impact how our children learn about the world and develop into capable and confident adults. When every parent is engaged in their children’s learning, children do better.

From the time they are born, and throughout their childhood, parents are the key educators of their children. As children mature, parents are no less engaged but have a new role supporting their child into adulthood.

Parents value the partnership between their child and school staff, but relationships could be enhanced further. Widening the channels of communication will help learners and their parents become more engaged with learning in schools.”


Deputy First Minister, John Swinney, said:

“I welcome the launch of the nutshell guide and hope that it will help parents and carers in their role as an integral part of our empowered education system.

“Parents and carers know their children best and what children learn from parents, they absorb for life. Parents and carers are an integral part of building a strong and sustainable education system and ensuring that we achieve the best end result for all of our children and young people.”



This publication joins the wide offering of ‘Nutshells’ which offer parent friendly information on the education of our children and can be downloaded from the NPFS website here.





The National Parent Forum of Scotland is a national body led by and for parents. Since its inception in 2009, it has undergone rapid development and is now an influential national and independent body, working on behalf of parents across Scotland to help every pre-school and school pupil maximise their potential.

The National Parent Forum of Scotland is comprised of one volunteer parent/carer representative from each of Scotland’s 32 local authority areas. Please visit for more details.